Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires

The agency at the service of local authorities and their regional projects

Member since 06/04/2022

Exceptional contributor

Exceptional contributor

ANCT has sponsored:

1 project

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ANCT commitments
The Agency offers project engineering support: provision of high-level experts to facilitate the definition and implementation of local projects.
The Agency supports local authorities to help them develop and steer their projects through the Prospective Factories.
The Agency offers assistance with public project management (installation, instruction, project financing, etc.), project management and management of real estate assets, and capitalizes on good practices.
About us
The National Agency for Territorial Cohesion first plays the role of "project factory" to enable communities to carry out their projects.
Exceptional contributor
Exceptional contributor
The total sum of ANCT
20000 / 50000
Next level : Heroic contributor

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