Happy hotels !

Member since 29/11/2021

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GLOBALES commitments
Hoteles Globales has committed initiatives such as: promoting the preservation of natural and cultural resources around the hotel, improving the environmental management of the organization and the quality of service, avoiding accidental pollution, minimizing the production of waste, installation of forests of solar panels on the roofs of our buildings, reducing the consumption of natural resources and raw materials.
At Hoteles Globales, respect and support for civil and political rights are primarily specified in its obligations to the people it employs. Business obligations related to human resources, as all internationally accepted declarations on human rights and business activity explicitly refer to working conditions and labor rights.
Hoteles Globales is committed to continually improving its services, complying with legal requirements and achieving the maximum level of quality demanded by our customers, always trying to contribute to the communities in which we live and work, with the aim of helping good development of sustainable tourism.
About us
Hoteles Globales is a Spanish hotel company with 54 establishments around the world, of which it operates 53. Founded in 1967 by José Luis Carrillo Benítez, the general management has been in place since May 2015. Globales focuses its activity on family tourism.
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The total sum of GLOBALES
300 / 500
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