Know and control your risks

Member since 21/03/2022

Confirmed contributor

Confirmed contributor

STARATS has sponsored:

2 projects

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STARATS commitments
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About us
Starats is a risk management consulting company, led since 2019 by Jean-Luc Meurisse, founder and president. Starats helps you optimize your risk management and improve its governance, for example by supporting you in your projects for the implementation, review and update of risk maps, anti-corruption compliance and preparation for an AFA control. ; to the evaluation and verification of third parties, to the prevention of cybersecurity and fraud risks
Recent actions
  • STARATS sponsored :
    Morocco: ESSEC community unites for earthquake victims
  • 500 €

    STARATS sponsored :
    The ESSEC community and the ESCP and HEC alumni associations are calling for donations for refugees from Ukraine
  • 500 €

    STARATS sponsored :
    The ESSEC community and the ESCP and HEC alumni associations are calling for donations for refugees from Ukraine
Confirmed contributor
Confirmed contributor
The total sum of STARATS
1500 / 5000
Next level : Expert contributor

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