Confidence can save the future

Member since 22/06/2021

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Engage in order to change public policies in favor of young people and families in difficulty, in its various fields of action and expertise: child protection, education and schooling, training and integration, support for parents. The foundation also acts internationally, with its local partners. - Engage in a constructive and regular dialogue with the public authorities, speak in the media and join forces with other actors of civil society.
By relying on what young people and families express and the field experience of teams in France and its international partners, Apprentis d'Auteuil carries a plea of committed testimony and concrete proposals up to the point. high level of the State and international institutions. Apprentis d´Auteuil's plea expresses the foundation’s vision for young people and families and for people. Anchored in the social doctrine of the Church, it is part of the Catholic tradition of fighting against injustices and inequalities. Finally, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), introducing the concept of the best interests of the child, and the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child.
About us
The Apprentis’Auteuil Foundation has been working for more than 150 years to train and educate young people in difficulty. With more than 80 training courses, we help young people in difficulty integrate into society while supporting families in their educational role. We act as close as possible to families with childcare facilities for children or adolescents in difficulty entrusted by parents or child welfare. We offer support with or without boarding school. More than 5,600 employees help each day take care of young people in difficulty and fight against school failure. They help build a life project for them with a personalized path. This support for young people in difficulty and out of school children makes it possible to discover the potential and talent of each of them.
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