The Endowment Fund for Biodiversity

Member since 21/03/2022


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Biodiversity represents the whole diversity of living beings and is made up of the interactions and interdependencies between species. The result of several billion years of evolution, biodiversity ensures the functions essential to all forms of life and provides us with qualified ecosystem services, essential to our food, our health, the contribution to human activities (agriculture, quality and water availability, etc.), and to our imagination.
While 40% of the global economy relies on these services provided by nature, 70% of these ecosystem services are in decline. The rate of disappearance of species is 100 to 1000 times higher than the normal rate. Today, the erosion of biodiversity is proven, and the causes are multiple: fragmentation and disappearance of habitats, overexploitation of resources, pollution of water, air and soil, introduction of invasive species, disruption climatic, …
Contribute to the preservation of biodiversity in all its forms
Raising awareness and promoting environmental education
About us
The Endowment Fund for Biodiversity (FDB) is a French institution of general interest dedicated to actions to preserve biodiversity and to raise awareness of the challenges of this preservation.
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