unite, train, inform, represent, defend

Member since 01/06/2021


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FEDERP commitments
As engineering students, we seek to develop our skills in turnkey projects that can be offered to us. we are students in a wide variety of fields, you can see our different sectors below. If you are project leader and you are looking for technically qualified people to carry out your project, we are at your disposal to discuss and why not try to come up with something in common. the sectors of the polytech network: - Computer science - electronics and digital system - Industrial Engineering - Applied mathematics and modeling - Mechanical - Civil Engineering - Biological engineering - Water / Environment - Materials - Electrical systems - Biomedical engineering
About us
Created in 2007, the Federation of Students of the Polytech Network (FEDERP) is an association governed by law 1901. Composed of engineering students from the Polytech network, it aims to: to federate the representative associations of engineering students from each school in the Polytech network, by supporting them in each of their activities and projects; to train student representatives in associative tools; to inform, via the representative associations, all the students of the Polytech network on common projects and news in the engineering sector; to represent and defend the interests of the students of the network at the national level. Each year, the FEDERP brings together the members of the representative associations at two events: the Congress in autumn, and the General Assembly in spring.

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