Culture decoder

Member since 24/06/2021

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GAPSMOOV  commitments
There are those who want to develop internationally, those who want better communication between their foreign employees, those who encourage mobility within their teams and those who are confronted daily or occasionally with intercultural issues. And then there is us… who help them meet all these challenges!
With Gapsmoov, the aim of intercultural training is to facilitate exchanges between people of different nationalities. Our solutions help highlight cultural trends, explain where they come from and provide concrete solutions to successfully communicate and manage effectively in an international professional context. And we manage to do all this in a simple and fun way!
Because there is still no Planet B, Gapsmoov has developed a platform that uses less energy and thus limits the impact of its use on the environment. Reduction in the weight of the application's resources, simplicity and intuitiveness of the design, are all solutions that allow Gapsmoov to combine interculturality and eco-responsibility.
About us
Develop the intercultural intelligence of your company and make diversity a wealth of opportunities
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Confirmed contributor
The total sum of GAPSMOOV 
1500 / 5000
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