Appel à projets à impact positif The GEMA Group is looking for a committed project! - GlobeDreamers

The GEMA Group is looking for a committed project!

Do you want to travel and give meaning to your trip? Submit your project for the benefit of the Akany Avoko association and go to Madagascar this summer!

The GEMA Group is looking for a committed project!

The Winner (s)

The project

The most distinguished project will receive a contribution of 500€ to its GEMA group pot.

Competition for students of the GEMA group.

Create your project on the GlobeDreamers platform by clearly explaining your motivations. Describe your project, how it will benefit the association and the steps to set it up.

As regards the budget part of your project, you can refer directly to the budget grid that we sent to you in the summary. If your project incurs additional costs, add them to your project pool.

The project can be carried out with several if relevant(maximum 3-4 people), but the more you are many the more funds you will need to raise.

You can take inspiration from the current needs of the association…

  • Achieving Financial Independence
  • Achieving energy independence
  • Improving school, medical and psychological support for children
  • Getting school, medical equipment...
  • Website improvement

If you have any questions or if you cannot find a concrete project in line with the needs of the association, do not hesitate to contact us.

< p class="MsoNormal">The selected projects will be announced on December 11.

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