Our differences bring us together.

Member since 28/11/2023

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FRANCE 2 commitments
As a company and public service media, our action focuses on reducing our footprint linked to the management of our sites and the production of our content, the collective awareness of our audience and their mastery of major environmental, climatic and societal issues. , as well as the contribution of our group to engaging players in our industry in new eco-responsible practices
To promote equality and the representation of diversity, five priority areas are invested by France Télévisions: the promotion of social diversity and the fight against all discrimination, taking into account disability, equal treatment of all company employees, gender equality and the fight against homophobia.
About us
France 2 is a French general public service television channel, which succeeded Antenne 2 on September 7, 1992. It belongs to the company France Télévisions. It mainly broadcasts television series and information sessions, with the aim of entertaining, educating and informing.
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