Caregivers committed to operated children

Member since 29/03/2023


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LES P’TITS DOUDOUS has sponsored:

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LES P’TITS DOUDOUS commitments
Les P’tits Doudous is also a beautiful story of mutual aid and sharing. Each carer contributes voluntarily to the life of the associations. And the national network enables the sharing of experiences and ideas to imagine new actions. Each local association contributes to others by sharing its good plans or the partnerships forged at local level with large groups that can benefit other associations.
Les P’tits Doudous is also a matter of creativity and innovation. Neither engineers nor developers, nurses, nurse anesthetists and anesthetist doctors nevertheless know how to identify new needs that would make it possible to soften the stay in hospital. And in the exchange with digital experts, they make it possible to create tools that are perfectly adapted to care situations. This was the case of the game “The Hero, it’s you!” No such application is available in the market. And to innovate without a big budget, “do it yourself” is important. Les P’tits Doudous are past masters in recycling, the use of Fab Labs… to finance their projects.
About us
Our mission is to improve the reception and well-being of operated children, to reduce their anxiety through play and digital technology before surgery. For this, we create innovative actions to de-dramatize the passage to the operating room and we offer gifts to operated children. Objectives: reduce premedication, post-operative trauma and facilitate our work as caregivers.
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